Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The National Government Of A Country Essay - 1302 Words

The National Government of a country can be immensely compared to a complex business. Whether it s developing a nation s annual budget, analyzing deficits or surpluses, accumulating government liabilities, or outsourcing to investors, the governments of all nations have and will continue to run like any other successful business. In the case of a country, the economic, societal, foreign, military, and national strengths, are relying on the influence of a business mentality throughout the nations’ core government officials. Monetary liabilities, loans, or debts accumulated, contribute to the expansion, reconstruction, and continued stability of a country if accumulated with the proper intentions. The United States of America historically exemplified what it means to be a successful business, ultimately making proper business decisions in order to maintain economic and international stability. Maintaining the various structures of a powerful country, such as the United States, r equires a surplus of funds that at times, are unavailable to the government. Throughout the history of the U.S, whether in order to fund wars, public programs, or to stabilize the economy, the Nation has obtained Trillions of dollars in debt. Although historically successful in maintaining a thriving economic state, the monetary liabilities of the United States, a result of continuous overspending or budget deficits’, consists of publicly held debt and intragovernmental debt, which recently has playedShow MoreRelatedThe National Government Of A Country Essay1622 Words   |  7 PagesThe National Government of a country consists of various characteristics, procedures, positions, and beliefs, that create a great comparison to such traits of a complex business. 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